This is actually one of my favourite pancake combos surprisingly, given that I mainly use fruit in/on my pancakes. I love to order pancakes with a side of bacon and a sea of maple syrup poured over when I’m out for breakfast and the first time I had them I couldn’t believe how good the combo was, just like salty/sweet candy. The bacon must be crispy though! Very important – I don’t eat a lot of bacon but I am picky about how it’s cooked.
And these are proper thick pancakes! If you prefer them a bit thinner or want to stretch out the mixture to 8 pancakes, add a bit more buttermilk and use a smaller measuring cup while cooking them.
And can I just say how fantastic streaky crispy bacon is? Normally I buy the low fat one which is a poor second really. And I was so impressed by the bacon sizzling in the oven Ant made a video
Bacon from Emma Cooke on Vimeo.