Spag Bol

May 18 2014

spag bo

Spag bol is one of those things most of us learn how to make early on, after we’ve left home, gone to uni or sharing with a bunch of mates.  I haven’t made it in ages actually because it seems one of those massively uncool dishes nobody eats anymore.  But it’s so yummy!  Why must we only eat trendy things now?  So tedious.

Having made this over many years, I have it down to a fine art now; rich, savoury and a little bit spicy and sweet.  If you need a bit of crunch and freshness on the side, feel free to make a simple salad but I prefer mine with a big slab of garlic sour dough.  Hah!  Take that carb haters.


So I’m bringing spag bol back which will probably remind you of red wine fuelled nights at uni.  Which is awesome.

spag bol
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Puberty Blues s2 catch up

May 5 2014
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I love this coming-of-age show so much.  It resonates with me, growing up in northern NSW in the 80s, but is also cleverly and beautifully written, acted and filmed (some scenes genuinely hit so close to home, I feel the writers are in my head somehow).  It also has that weirdly Australian quality of making you laugh, cry and feel mortified in a single scene, as only our TV and movies seem to be able to do.

Despite brilliant reviews though, only a few people watched it this year.  I really feel it should have been shown on the ABC rather than Ten to gain more of an audience and that also, we shouldn’t have had to wait 2 years for the second season (why?!), but what can you do?  You can’t fight city hall, or in this case, Australian media.

Anyway, I appreciate being one of a small group of very loyal fans.



All images are the property of: Puberty Blues TV series, Australia, 2012-2014, Channel Ten

The Graduate

April 30 2014

The Graduate is in my top 5 list of favourite movies ever; a classic which, for some reason, resonated with me when I first saw it at age 12 (maybe the fact that I stayed up late watching it on TV when I was supposed to be in bed).  I’ve seen it heaps of times and never tire of the ending.

Obviously as an adult I understand far more about going through an existential crisis than I did back then, but there was something about the glamour of that era so far before my time combined with how dark the characters were that I was fascinated with (and still am – see Mad Men also).

d kr-katharineross-graduate-finalbus1 graduate still-of-dustin-hoffman-and-katharine-ross-in-the-graduate-(1967)-large-picture tumblr_mi2y9bMg6E1qb4tzyo1_500


Images from movie: The Graduate, 1967, USA, MGM

Vegan breakfast bars

April 27 2014

breakfast bars
I’ve heard a lot of negative remarks about the humble little muesli bar lately … too much sugar!  Additives!  You may as well drink a can of coke!  etc etc.  Poor muesli bars, being a child of the 80s I’ve always liked them and if you buy a brand which is quite healthy and lower in sugar, I don’t see the problem.

Anyway, I thought I’d make my own the other day and they tasted wonderful; chewy, not-too-sweet with a bit of crunch and loads of different textures throughout.  I can’t say I won’t ever buy them again as they’re a fairly cheap and cheerful snack, however making them is pretty easy, you can put what you like in them and there’s no competition really, home-made tastes superior.  Ant calls them birdseed bars (very droll isn’t he?!) as they do look a bit nutty and seedy and such which is exactly what I love about them.

You can always toast the nuts although I didn’t; lately I prefer eating raw nuts as they’re better for you.  Toasting nuts does bring out their lovely flavours though.  These bars are quite high in calories and carbs (paleo people, look away now) and although on the side of health conscious, they’re more suitable for breakfast rather than a snack ….. although you could make them smaller obviously, than I did.

breakfast barsvegan breakfast bars

vegan breakfast bars

breakfast bars

vegan breakfast bars

vegan breakfast bars

breakfast bars


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Brown rice bowl with tuna, avocado & fried egg

April 20 2014

rice bowl

Phew, I needed something to reset my body after a couple of days of eating basically empty (yet delicious) carbs.  This very tasty, healthy rice bowl full of protein and good fat was just the thing!  Nutty brown and wild rice, creamy avocado and fried egg, savoury tuna and some salty Tamari to top it off (and a little bit of fragrant ginger to sweeten the deal).

This little rice bowl is super easy and well worth it if you over-did the Easter eggs a bit.

rice bowl

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Chocolate Moments (Brisbane)

April 15 2014

Well we all have those don’t we?

I received a lovely surprise for Easter recently; some gorgeous, handmade chocolates from Chocolate Moments, our only Belgian chocolatier in Brisbane.  Featuring flavoured truffles, fudge and the best salted caramel chocolate I’ve ever eaten, this chocolate paradise, owned by Gerrard Gosens, boasts 2 stores in our city as well as a specialist chocolate cooking school at Kangaroo Point (I’d love to try this one day!).

This luscious, flavourful chocolate is well worth a trip into town (stores situated at Albert St and the Myer Centre) to stock up on Easter presents or even just something special for yourself!


chocolate moments
chocolate moments
chocolate moments
chocolate moments

* This post is a product review of my own choosing.