I adore mashed potato and of course, mashed sweet potato is delicious; fluffy, sweet and warm. When I was teeny tiny, some days, it’s all I’d eat. I prefer to leave the skins on my white potatoes (it’s healthier and you can’t tell the difference – use organic if you prefer) and after years of using any old variety without putting much thought into it, I’ve started to become more discerning about the humble and healthy potato, as different varieties have different uses, textures, colours and seasons and so forth. Poh’s Kitchen has a great page discussing all things potato.
Good mash can be a great accompaniment to just about any protein you like but is particularly lovely with a great piece of porterhouse with caramelised onion or my dad’s fried chicken. The other night I made my Chermoula chickpeas served with the cheese and garlic mash and it was lovely! So, in short, very versatile and comforting.
I love to add simple yet tasty things to mash; chilli flakes, cream instead of butter, Parmesan, herbs or a splash of olive oil. You can pretty much add anything, including vegan substitutes and in fact, mashed avocado or pesto would be amazing also.