Does anyone remember this late 90s show? It was way ahead of its time, yet seriously underrated, which is probably why it only ever lasted one season. I love revisiting old shows and watching this now makes me realise how funny and heart warming, yet dark it was. The writing, comedic timing, characters and storylines were subtle and insightful and practically everybody was in it! Much like Seinfeld, part of the fun in seeing it years later is spotting so many familiar faces.
I kind of think if it was made now, it would almost certainly last a few seasons; our perceptions and tastes have changed so much when it comes to pop culture.
Oh and possibly the best dance scene of all time:
The cute cast reunited below – look how tall Sam got! See more at Buzzfeed.
Top 3 images the property of: TV series Freaks and Geeks, 1999-2000, USA, Apatow Productions
Video from: Chris Baldaia
Lower 2 images via: Buzzfeed